Differential S-Parameter Measurements Using Single-Ended 2-Port Network Analyzer and HL9407 Ultra-Broadband Baluns
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AN-002 | May 20, 2021
In this application note, differential S-parameter measurements using a single-ended 2-port vector network analyzer (VNA) and a pair of HYPERLABS ultra-broadband baluns are compared against measurements taken on a 4-port VNA. The device under test is a broadband differential amplifier.
Using this setup, we show that our baluns can be used to take differential S-parameter measurements to 40 GHz and beyond from a single-ended 2-port VNA.
This Note builds on the work of Jim Andrews, Ph.D., founder of Picosecond Pulse Labs, who demonstrated differential S-parameter measurements to 10 GHz using a PSPL5310A balun (link).
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